You are trying to fix the fight darker

Added by Devon456

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Listed in Baju Kanak Kanak

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The idea of bringing that type of limit on action-related skills is precisely the reason why the developers have basically destroyed Wizard with pretty over-the-top nerfs (and Ranger is next).

You’ve totally misunderstood general concept in this article.

This is like going on an online game like CS:GO, and asking why they have not a Medic and Spy classes.

This isn’t chivalry your not befitting any more from dragging your mouse to alter your hit box then the game allows it already. a thing in the game. However, the reason you don’t notice it is because it’s useless and no one uses it.

This is an minor enhancement of combat based on a game from the late 1990’s. It was later expanded to be more like a game from the year 2006. which also used the same system.

Personally, i am shocked by the backlash, considering that as far as changes are concerned, the information in the detail document either already mechanically exists within the game in an alternate format or is a quality of life alteration.

All of this could be implemented with minor changes to combat. Changes that are appropriate for the game’s longevity and replayability of the game. This truly to the benefit of the game.

You are trying to fix the fight in a wrong way

Let’s do it in a nutshell: add overpowered blocking and parrying so those who attack first are likely to lose.
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